Last year, around half of our new customers were referred by our users, by you. This program is a way to give back on what you’re already doing. By joining the Ambassador Program you’ll be helping us reach those companies who need help in their employee engagement.

To share the love back we will be giving you 10% of the revenue generated by the referred customer for a year, this could mean as much as $7,000 for a single referral. We know you don't do this for $$,  but we think it is a fair way to compensate you for your help. If you prefer, we can donate all or part of it to the NGO of your choice.

Here is a 2-minute video summarizing the Program’s workflow.

How does the program work?

  1. Apply by filling in the form below
  2. We will validate if your application qualifies as an eligible Ambassador
  3. We will review your Linkedin connections and manually add the good fit contacts to your personal list
  4. We will notify you when there are new good fit contacts in your personal list
  5. You will be able to accept or decline the contacts depending on whether you may or may not refer Nailted to them
  6. Once you have accepted a contact from your list, you will receive an email so you can simply forward it as an introduction


Why do we do this?

We have seen you are already recommending us a lot, and we want to compensate you for this and make this action easier.

Why should you do this?